
By LadyPride

Buttermilk chicken

My working from home curse is back. If last week was anything to by anyway. I was useless when I was at home. Faffed about and squandered time. And with only a few weeks left, now is not the time to be slacking.

So even though I had no meetings today I went into town with Angus and worked from there.

Turned out to be the right move and was very productive. Had a yummy lunch (Buttermilk chicken is my favourite!) at Home Sweet Home too and drove home to pick Squidge up from school much to her delight.

We've been spending a lot more time together lately and we're back in sync. She's my little shadow round the house. She just wants to be in the same room/space as me and it's pretty cute. She sat on my lap in my office earlier and platted my hair while I got an email finished. I try and work 20 mins then play 20 mins when we're at home together otherwise I know she feels ignored.

Big Ocado order due tonight and we wrote a Xmas shopping list yesterday. We are danger of getting back on track if we're not careful after a hectic few weeks!

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