
Had a wee visit from the Bug's grandparents during the day, and fed them some fairly disastrous mushroom soup. They didn't enjoy the soup, but they did enjoy some quality time with their favourite (only) grandboy. Particularly pootering around in the garden.

In the evening, A and I headed into town to make use of some complimentary tickets to the Scottish Ballet production of Cinderella, at Festival Theatre. After some strange goings on with the buses in to town (storm Barney, the most likely cause), we had a fantastic evening. As A is 'press' we were treated to gift bags on arrival, filled with chocolates and perfume, and then plied with a series amount of free booze. There were two intervals, and you could also take drinks into the theatre, so there wasn't a dry moment. 

I'm not really into dance performances (maybe because my understanding of it is pretty poor, or because it doesn't really move me in the way words or music do), but I had a really good time. The step sisters were brilliantly funny, there was a dazzling amount a diamante bringing to life a whole host of amazing costumes (hello Grasshopper), and it was astounding how effortless and yet powerful the dancers appeared. Thanks A!

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