
If I were taking part in the One Tree project on blip this year, I would have chosen this one. 

It's not mine though. I've blipped it before, didn't realise quite how long ago though! 

Some of you will know that Monday went a bit pear-shaped this afternoon when Miss Stella decided to take herself off for run. I only glanced away from her for a minute, and that was to do her poo patrol duty! Suddenly she was nowhere. I thought she'd gone back to the house but no. I thought she'd gone off in the other direction which we take on morning walkies, but no. I called and called and started to panic and she didn't come. I checked the building plot nearby in case she'd gone exploring, no. Most of you can imagine the state I was getting into! I yelled again and heard a familiar very noisy bark. Then a lady called to me but couldn't stop the stupid black dog in the bright pink collar from running backwards and forwards into the road. I yelled and cried and ran - by some miracle not falling - good stuff that adrenaline innit?! With one hand I pulled a very confused looking Stella out of the way of the oncoming traffic (going mercifully slowly past parked cars) while trying to thank the lady for stopping. She'd seen her wandering around in the vicar's driveway and thought she must be lost. I explained I didn't know how she'd got away so quick and must have found a quick route through a gate or a fence. I'm still pleased that her magnetic collar is easing her arthritis symptoms but man alive she can sprint when the fancy takes her now. I don't know if she fancied getting up to mischief like the cheeky old lady she is, or, I missed a fast moving squirrel, or she had one of her thankfully rare epilepsy moments of disorientation. She hasn't run off in years, strange to choose such a nice day to do it!

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