
By Tommy0161


German team, Borussia Monchengladbach, are in the city to play Manchester City in the European League. The match is a bit of a formality as Manchester City are already through to the next stage regardless of the result tonight. In a reflection of how the standings of the two Manchester clubs has changed, Manchester United have to win tonight to stay in the competition.

The German fans had found their way down to the Old Wellington Inn, on Exchange Square, where all foreign fans seem to find their way to on visits to the city. The Germans must have felt right at home with all Christmas Markets being on. They were all outside having a bit of a sing song and enjoying a pre-match schooner of sherry.

It was all very convivial. I noticed that one group of German fans were having some beer. As they finished each can, it was carefully placed in this carrier bag for disposal. I thanked them for doing it. Their attitude was 'why wouldn't we when we are guests in your city?' I liked this a lot.

I went off to take more pictures, when I returned they had gone and the carrier bag was in a nearby bin.

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