Taking Srebrenica forward

Tonight the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland , the Rev Dr Angus Morrison , invited those who had been on Scottish Srebrenica UK delegations to Bosnia to meet over dinner in Edinburgh to talk about taking the charity forward in Scotland.

There have been three such groups, led by a former Moderator, the Rt Rev Lorna Hood , and they have attracted a wide range of people from Scottish public life including Westminster MPs , prominent Kirk ministers , people from the third sector , the current Solicitor General and - as this picture shows - the Scottish Tory Leader Ruth Davidson and Labour MSP and Shadow Health Spokesperson Jenny Marra. We were also joined tonight by the UK chair of the organisation Dr Waqar Azmi.

It was a good evening with lots of ideas being discussed about how to foster interest in, and knowledge of , the genocide whilst helping to build the country and Scotland's links with it.

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