
By Mindseye

Peppa Pig.......

and Olivia of course!

As I feared, a late night at mums last night..... not much sleep! The heating kept coming on, so I was way too warm! Think I got about four and half hours in all :-(

I was ready to leave mums by 9.30, drove home, dropped my stuff off, picked hub up, out again within 30 minutes, over to Cheshire to visit middle son, DiL, Olivia and Isabella.

They were looking after Olivia's little friend too today, so their house was lively to say the least ;-) sons back is still a problem, off work again, in a lot of pain. I don't know what's going on with our boys at the moment, both seem to be having a bad run :-/

Today's gathering was not conducive to good photographs, but I did quite like this shot of Olivia laughing with grandad......whom she loves, a lot! She's talking a lot more now, and I seem to be Anma! How cute is that :-)

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