But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Grand Entrance.

I was allowed out for a short while today, there was a need to see the bees to make sure that their homes were still standing upright and watertight after the windy weather of the last month. I know there are plenty of people around the walled garden, what ever the climate is doing, who are primed to keep an eye on things; I would hear quite quickly if anything was amiss and there are friends (honestly) who would lend a hand if needed.

Above the main entrance to the garden is this rather decrepit family shield of the Clerks featuring a boar's head, a scary item should it land on your head. Just shut the gate carefully, it could happen sooner than you think.

I saw the physio for the first time yesterday, a curious experience. I was under the impression that she was only doing an investigation but her parting words were, "We'' see  on Thursday if I've done any good." She obviously had done something, as I fell asleep as soon as I'd had some tea, then slept through the night apart from getting up briefly to eat industrial quantities of narcotics, then sleeping some more until noon. Although I was quite uncomfortable during the rest of the day, I was standing upright for the first time in three weeks and venturing to the toilet without my trusty Zimmer.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

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