Growing old disgracefully



After last week's Hebridean idyll, I suppose I deserved it - a morning at my desk doing admin. It is surprising how much admin there is for the tiny not-for-profit business which is Everyday Mindfulness Scotland. Today it was dealing with applications, processing payments, issuing invoices, balancing books and there are still the much more attractive tasks of writing new materials and updating the website to come. There are compensations, however:
1. Bookings for autumn classes are already brisk.
2. The Very Small Person who has a regular sleepover on a Sunday night was content to play around my feet while I worked with only the occasional nod, grunt or tickle from his working granny. The game seemed to consist of turning his duvet into an aeroplane, a motorbike, a tent and - wait for it - a flying fox. The wonderful imaginative world of four year olds!
3. It was pouring outside, so I was not distracted by longing to work in the veg plot.

Small person has now gone only to be replaced by very large person - aka our oldest grandchild who is 23 and 6ft 7 inches. Today, like so many days, is the first of a really determined go at eating less rubbish. Just had to finish off the home made lemon drizzle cake first.

Very Small Person
Very Large Person
The Professor, who has just brought me a cup of tea.

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