Legendary Pasta

A dish of tortellini for lunch today. I could not believe my luck when I read in a book on healthy diets for wellbeing that pasta was recommended.
Up to that moment I had regarded pasta as no-go territory if you wanted to shed a few pounds. But here it was in black and white — eat fish twice a week, and also make sure to eat pasta.
Now, as I have explained before, tortellini is one of my favourites, originating from Modena in Italy, and with the curious legend suggesting it is shaped like a belly button.
Whether true or not, I enjoy it in its own right. 
My helping today was filled with chopped ham, most often you’ll find it filled with mixed cheeses. What’s more, buy it ready made and it takes only seven minutes or thereabouts to cook on the hob, and served with a sauce or butter, is easily satisfying.

Today, I had a plum sauce.  Yummy!

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