
It was a day that began with heavy rain and finished on a similar miserable note. I got very wet first thing. Walking into the office along the main road, wrapped up in my own thoughts, I was oblivious to a large puddle in the road beside the pavement, and equally oblivious to the timing of the car that was approaching. It created a huge splash which drenched my trousers as well as catching me in the face. I stood there in shock, only to see a lorry right behind. I may possibly have been able to move out of the way ... but I didn't. I caught another unpleasant slap in the face, and a further drenching. I was almost tempted to just stay standing there. Bring it on. How wet is it possible to be?

The day did improve. I went for a run lunchtime with a colleague and a friend. I've not enjoyed a lunchtime run for months. After going out along the canal and then a spin through the woods, we decided to return along the River Aire and discovered it was running very high, to the extent that it swallowed the path in a few places - providing for second soaking.

Finally, met up with Mr.John in town this evening for a few pints and a catch-up. He's a bit behind on blip at the moment but he says hello and that he'll be catching back up with his journal soon. We left in another downpouring of rain - and the third thorough soaking of the day!

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