
By don_T

Flowers and cafes and commutes

Unusual day, left work mid afternoon with coworkers to travel to a visitation for a colleague who recently lost his mother. It was really nice to be there to support him and his family. Had to then wait awhile for the next train in to the city then wait again for the next train heading home. I am meeting my 2 best golf girlfriends for a festive dinner and catch up tonight. As mentioned in yesterday's blip of a pop-up free coffee shop, I have since found out it was to promote Canada's first Mc Cafe - coffee shop and all day breakfast which opened in Union Station today. As I had to wait for my next train anyway I got in line for a fruit smoothie and then found a seat in the station. While seated I was approached by a lovely teenager handing out 2 free Gerber daisies, asking that all you had to do was give one away and brighten someone else's day. It was perfect because I was meeting my 2 best golf buds in under an hour, 1 each! This photo is of my 2 flowers and my fruit drink in the station with the new cafe in the background. The advertising on the flowers states "studies have shown that flowers have a long term positive effect on moods....and to spread the happiness". It certainly made my approximately 4 hrs of commuting more bearable today!

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