
By JohnFDP

Ouch 3

Well it's day 3 in the Dorset County Hospital and last night was one to remember. About 4am I was aware of the old boy opposite me saying "Grace, is that you?". The poor old 96 year old mistook me for his Mrs (!!) and I had to buzz the nurses to put him back to bed. This woke me up rather and I was in some pain so had some morphine to knock me out - I'm not one for piano killers, but when you've knackered your back you know about it.
I've had a brace fitted today that I have to use for some considerable time whilst I heal. Right now I can just walk with the aid of a frame. Looks like they'll be a few more hospital blips yet.
This picture is nurses in front of my bed telling the story of me being mistaken for Grace. One of them is lugging out loud!

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