
What an impressive, awesome read. I read it almost in one go. If you've had it with stories about WWII you'd better leave it alone. Most of the book is the reflection on a teenage girl living in and surviving Auschwitz and Ravensbruck. She entered the camps as a gypsy girl and disguises herself as a Jewish girl later on.

That teen is now an 85 year old distinguished Swedish lady when she tells her true life story to her granddaughter. When she finally reveals her true name is not Miriam.

The book goes back and forth in time, from the 85 year old lady to the 15 year old teen and all ages in between. It's about the atrocities during the war, but it's also a tribute to the Roma people. Not wanted during the war, before the war and still not after the war. A very interesting perspective in this book. A devastating perspective.
Interesting is the way Miriam survives, the shelter she gets in Sweden, the new life she is granted.

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