
First visitor to my new studio this afternoon was artist and lecturer Lys Hansen looking just as glamorous as ever.
And to greet her was Karen Strang the driving force behind this art complex of 16 studios in  Marcelle House, a former council building in Alloa.
Officially I do no sign the lease until next week so the studio, a small sunny space with great views,  was used to host the Open Studio party today.
It was good to meet up with old friends- some more than  20 years, and meeting new ones too.
We ended up with an impromptu party in Karen’s studio doing a critical analysis of her current work in progress- a witty re-interpretation of Seurat's famous  Bathers.  (see extra photo).

We had an impromptu drawing session. (see extra photo ). This is one drawing - a pencil portrait of Mike Marriott, lecturer at Glasgow School of Art, by David Fagen, also ex GSA.

Meanwhile the fall-out from Park of Keir following the Stirling Council decision to reject Judy Murray’s tennis complex continues with a big double page feature in The Times today.
We are having acres of media coverage.
So how does Judy Murray do it? Well, it might be something to do with the fact that she is looked after by the PR Company run by Simon Fuller who also manages Andy Murray and David Beckham.
Not one newspaper has asked the basic question: is there a need for a tennis centre like this in Scotland If so is this the best location?
We have tried to get this point across in interviews but it is ignored.
They are only interested in the celebrity angle.


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