I seem to have brought, or even bought, rather a pile of books back from Orkney, but other than memories and photographs there is little that can beat that. And latterly I've been taking photos of the books I've been reading, because I have realised that the memory is definitley going and a photo can jolt the senses more than just a title and an author. The fact that both my parents have Alzheimers, and at the moment my sister is going through hoops to sort out some vestige of care may well factor in my mode of thinking.

Anyway, I am hoping my senses last long enough that I can at least read the books. Otherwise, someone please shoot me.

Went to drop off an Orcadian present to Hellonwheels this evening and as ever it was a pleasure to see her, and I just love her new bike!

Just realised, one book cannot be seen, it is George Mackay Brown's Hamnavoe, which I took with me but then other activities took over and I barely read a word! The "Orcadiana" book I found in a wonderful second-hand book shop in Kirkwall. Oh that G had found the barber next door had a free slot and I could have browsed there for as long as a number three took!

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