Calm before the "storm"

Sunday 13th Dec 2015 (1205)

11.5hrs non stop, what a day! We had so many at the Christingle service last year it was over flowing so we decided on two services this year. The community school sang at one and the church school sang at the other so we hoped that it would naturally sort the numbers out. It worked. The main body of the church was full for the first one. The main and side aisles were full for the second and still they kept coming. We had to squash people in and it was standing room only at the back. We did have less space than last year because of all the Christmas trees but overall we felt we had more people. 

It was a magical moment when the Christingle candles were lit and the lights turned off, especially with all the Christmas trees lit down the sides. Approx 550 people attended (half of them children) and we collected over £1,000 for the Children's Society.  

The picture was taken before the first service in a moment of calm before the doors were open. It wasn't a storm that followed though, just a great celebration. 

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