Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Bijou hotel room

Busy day today, opportunities to take photos constantly missed.  

Started with a drive up to Holt - it was actually really lovely - a bit misty but with a trace of sunshine, photos would have been good, but no time to stop.

Then a rehearsal.  Met W for lunch - again, photos would have been good, but forgot to take my camera out of the car. 

Then back for a concert - another photo opportunity missed as I was cameraless, and also busy!

By the time I emerged, to drive back to Norwich, it was dusk, and raining.  Parked up in the multi-storey and hurried across to the train station, no time to lose, there's a train in 5 mins.  Except we then sat in Norwich station for 45 minutes before eventually setting off for London.  Which meant I was late to the hotel, the friends I was meeting had already started eating.  But another blip opportunity missed, as I didn't take my camera down to the bar.

By the time I got back to my room I couldn't be bothered to go out again in search of photos, so you just get a view of my room.  The only bit of the room that is not visible is the passage to the outside door and the equally bijou bathroom.  But they do have drinking chocolate (or should I say, they did, I've just consumed it).

So, hopefully I will sleep well.  

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