
By cyclops

Withering and dying

Most of natures green bounty is withering and dying. Sadly my cold is not following - rather it appears to be flourishing. That is just about all that is flourishing though.

There are some pretty serious problems at work at the moment. They are completely out of my area but they have a significant effect on what we are doing and how we are doing it... and potentially on my wallet too. This is all a bit worrying and stressful.

On top of that, some of the parts of my job I enjoy the most are slipping away from me. As new projects come along other people are taking the lead, since I'm leaving in a few weeks and I won't be here to see them through. So I have some pretty tedious work on my desk.

Tomorrow I have to go to London to sort out my US Visa. A day of airports, planes, trains, undergrounds and most of all queing. With a cold. I can hardly wait.

Must find a bright side... Oh yes, I'm quite looking forward to lunch.

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