Blip Central Blog

By BlipCentral

Contacting Blipfuture

Hello again from the Blipfuture Team. 

First, let us say how heartened we are with all of the supportive comments we are receiving from the community.  We know there is a lot of buzz both on the site and on other social media channels.  We’ve also had some really great coverage in the news media and we were particularly delighted to see an expression of support from the Royal Photographic Society.

We know lots of blippers are posting information about the crowd fund through their journals, spreading the word and rallying the community.  We do want to encourage as many of you as possible to get the message out, to make sure everyone is aware of the importance of the campaign. Your efforts on our behalf are really appreciated. Keep up the great work!

We also understand that some people have posted entries that ‘speak’ to us via their journals.  While we understand why, please appreciate that we don’t have time to visit everyone’s journals and the other social media channels to read all of these messages.  If you do want to get messages or questions to us then please do so via the crowd funding site, using the ‘Ask a Question’ button on the home page.  Alternatively, email us at directly at  We will do our best to respond as soon as we can.

We are still working on opening up for donations from other parts of the world.  We are reliant on the developers at the crowd fund site to make this happen and they are doing what they can to deliver this as soon as possible.  We will let you know as soon as donations can be received.

Additional detail on financial aspects of the business plan will soon be made, as promised in our last post.

Please keep those pledges coming. We need the support of everyone here. And don’t forget, no money will be taken unless we are actually successful in raising the target amount.

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