twinned with trumpton


L-R: Alex, Tom

A cold and frosty morning; we slithered and slipped our way to the supermarket for chicken and sprouts and unhealthy desserts prior to the ladies arriving for lunch.

We set it all to cook, then wandered out to meet them at the bus stop; all chasing, screaming, yelping, laughing.

Lunch was wolfed down; they all took up residence in bed to watch the new old TV and for the first time ever, I think we sat, her with wine, me with tea and had the sofa to ourselves.

We went out to the street of lights thingy on the High Street; every bit as tacky and awful as we'd been led to believe. The Logan's Run reassuring voices telling you in calming tones it was all going to be fine and the show would start soon, feel free to stand wherever you want was more chilling than avuncular.

And then the minor drama of getting home; and the stuffed full boys still managed to pile away slightly more food.

I have no idea what time I keeled over at but it wasn't late....

Frosty bus stop on the way to the supermarket

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