Keeping it simple

Dw i ddim yn gwybod y 'llun mawr' yn y gwaith, ond dwi'n gwybod rhai o'r 'lluniau bach'.  Dw i'n hoffi canolbwyntio ar anghenion yr un neu dau o bobl ac yn gobeithio gwneud rhywbeth i helpu nhw.  Ro'n i'n hapus heddiw i glywed y roedd fy ngwaith wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth i rai o bobl.  Roedd dim ond tipyn bach o waith ar basdata Access, ond weithiau mae pethau bach yn gallu gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr.

I don't know the 'big picture' at work, but I know some of the 'little pictures'. I like to focus on the needs of one or two people and hope to do something to help them. I was happy today to hear that my work has made a difference to some people. It was just a little bit of work on an Access database, but sometimes little things can make a big difference.

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