It's In The Hole !

I was really racking my brain for a blip to celebrate my 500th and as today was a golf day I thought I might combine the two. Had to use the flag to hold the paper down as it was quite windy.
Good news is I won my match!

To Joe and all at Blip Central lots of thanks. To the whole community here what a great bunch of Gals and Guys. To Grandmama thanks for telling me about it in the first place.
Where else can you take a peep into other peoples' lives (I'm not nosey, honest) and at the click of a mouse travel round the world. I could go on and on but you all know what I mean . I look forward to continuing but may not put myself through the daily search for a blip when really sometimes I feel I am scraping the barrel. That is not to say I won't make an effort I think I would probably have withdrawal symptoms. Again thank you all.

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