Feathered edge (Day 222)

My beautiful wife and I had a really lovely evening with my folks and after a bit of a slow start, we headed to George's and I had my second ride out on one of the horses. It was pretty enjoyable, if a little cold and I even managed to get Mercy to break into a trot. Steering and braking are working well, and my confidence is increasing a bit.
Back to my folks for a quick lunch then we were out again to the shore with the dogs. We were lucky to miss a huge shower that passed between us and Hoy.
The 3 Bob challenge today was "Feathered", set by HV. I was pretty much stuck but knew we had some feathers at home. So I thought I would have a play around with the macro lens and the downy end of a feather. The blue in the background is a bit of an accident. I didn't clear the background and saw the flash of blue in the frame and really liked it.
Apparently Wheeliebloke has already blipped...

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