
When I chose today's challenge, I thought I'd be blipping a macro of a feather or maybe some seaweed at the shore. However, at the yard, Debby spoke about filing the horses hooves and there was my blip - The horses feathered legs!

It's been a busy day. A slow start to the morning but once breakfast had been eaten and dogs walked, Gorgeous accompanied me to the Friesian herd. He rode out on Mercy, me on Djego & Debby on Maggie. All back in one piece, the two youngsters, Ruby & Nettie got a lead out on foot. They were better behaved than yesterday...Must be a lot to take in for them and being away from the comfort of the other horses.

Was great to see PW on horseback again. He has some basic experience but most of all he has a really nice relaxed position, which some people don't manage to achieve for a long time. Aside from a few pointers, I have left him just to feel the rhythm of the horse, get comfortable with that and enjoy the ride. Must be time to get him working at it properly from now on...If I am lucky enough to get him in the saddle again. He said he really enjoyed it and I really appreciate that he makes the effort to share in my passion.

Now....Go look out Lukearse's blip challenge for feathered.

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