This time next year Rodney

Today I am delighted to report I am £6 richer than when I started the day. Had I known this morning held these possibilities when pulling my sorry ass out of bed, an ass sorrier due to the unfortunate coughing fit that kept me awake and dear CC too, not to mention the arrival of MCC at 5am accompanied by a hyena type sob when I suggested bed would be a good idea, then I may have lifted the outer reaches of my lips upwards in a stupendous nod to the joys of the day that awaited. Instead I carried my heavy bottom lip around the house in a Tesco's 5p carrier bag in a fit of pique that would have done Napoleon justice when he realised Wellington wasn't a just a serving of posh boeuf! It's funny but I've always thought of old Bonaparte as a man with a tendency to be on the mardy bum side of things. Can you imagine the French battlefield kitchens and the poor chef who didn't quite cook the Emperor's preferred chicken Marengo to perfection. Demotion to the front of the line was probably meated out.

Anyhow, I'm £6 up. Hurrah. God bless the little man.


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