Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

Lightning Bug

It may be more commonly called fireflies, but around here they are known as lightning bugs. When you see these lit up at night you know summer has arrived. I'll be honest I've chased several around at dusk trying to capture one lighting up. I haven't quite mastered the art of lightning bug photography :D

The hubster is working away during the week now and I thought I'd have more time for photos and things. It seemed like between outdoor and garden work in the evenings I haven't had time for anything. Keeping some water on the garden is taking up quite a bit of time. Our heatwave continues, I noticed Friday when I got home from work around 6:00p.m. it was 99 F (37C)in the shade. I'm a hot weather kind of girl, but I even melted by then :)

Here's a backblip of my golden goldfinch :)

Will be catching up soon.

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