trees be company (or - to the power of 10)

A tree(mendous) day today. As luck would have it, my 10th monthly tree day coincides with my 10th annual cake-day.  

Ten years ago, on December 16th 2005, I was diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer. I read somewhere that we should see ourselves as survivors from the moment we are first diagnosed and celebrate the anniversary of that date much like we would a birthday.  Because in a way, that’s what it is.

Back then the 5-year survival rate was around 5% and so each December 16th we have a cake, usually chocolate cake, to remind ourselves that things could have been so very different.  (Well - someone has to be in the 5% group.  I’m quite happy for it to be me).

Mind you, with the amount of cake we consume, I could be pushing my luck.

Although the disease appears to have gone, the consequences haven’t and I’m stuck with them.  As is Anniemay.  Of course we are not alone in this; I cannot imagine any member of the Cancer Family getting off scot-free.  Cancer might go, but it always leaves something behind - a reminder of its visit.

The tree on the other hand was here long before anyone reading this - and - will be probably still be here long after Blip is just another blip in the space-time continuum.

Whatever season it mid be,
      The trees be always company.

       However lonesome we mid be,
    The trees would still be company.

William Barnes (1801-1886)

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