Robin's Patch

I had only spent a few minutes for a spot of tidying up in the garden, and this little fella joined me.
Invariably the moment you start digging, or tending plants, a little robin appears. Inquisitively, the head goes on one side as if watching every move you make. And they come so close that they might almost be tame. But make a sudden movement and they have darted away to the safety of the hedgerow.
Mind you, I think this little chap was more intent on anything that moved in the soil I had just put my gardening fork into. 
So perhaps it wasn't me the robin was trying to get to know, but more likely the odd worm or two which came to the surface, and then promptly disappeared as the robin proved its movements were rather faster than the worm could seek refuge back in the soil.
Aaah. Nature is wonderful, if not sometimes cruel!

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