
By hjoiner


Arriving in India was like walking out to a totally different world. To me it compares to Cairo when tourism was still big. Delhi is a huge city, and the smog almost completely blocks out the sun! I was also astonished by the amount of trash that just piles up in the city, and that combined with the heat makes it smell to high heaven! One of the first places we visited was the Gandhi museum. Gandhi is considered an almost founding father of modern India. He was the strategist that kicked Britain out of India all the while preaching nonviolence and peace! If I could compare him to anyone in the states it would have to be Martin Luther King Jr. Who preached equality and nonviolence as well. Just like in India, MLK is still taught at all schools, and there's many museums and ideologies about him. It was so moving to see Gandhi's last steps before he was assassinated, and learn more about his life's work.

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