
By TommyG


You would of course emerge from the exit, were you to use it, which would result in an emergence. In Swahili pole is pronounced poly, so it all makes perfect sense, until I realized that half the people who worked in the room didn't speak English.

It was an educated environment so everyone had been to Primary school, Medium school, and finally Secondary school.

The subtlety of language and meaning, warmed me all day.  As a kid I hated language.  Now I love every nuance.  If only I didn't depend on the squiggly red lines to be sure of the spelling.

I couldn't swallow my laugh, however, seeing the words "GENESIS 2 : 3" in large letters on the back of the Sunday bus a few days ago.  The significance of this took too many seconds to surface from my Christian upbringing before the moment had past, so no photo.

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