
Wel dw i'n barod nawr i meddwl am Nadolic, ac yn arbenig, anrhegion.  Dw i'n ceisio osgoi siopau fawr neu siopa ar-lein.  Dw i jyst eisiau gweld beth dw i'n gallu ffeindio mewn siopau fach.  Yng Nghaerdydd dw i'n hoffi'r arcedau sy'n cael amrywiol siopau gwahanol.  Roed rhaid i mi stopio ac edmygu ceirw pefriog mewn fenestr siop. Yn gobeithio bydda i'n ffeindio amser i archwilio mwy o siopau diddorol.

Well, I'm ready now to think about Christmas, and in particular, gifts. I'm try to avoid large stores or online shopping. I just want to see what I can find in small shops. In Cardiff I like the arcades which have various different shops. I had to stop and admire the sparkling deer in this shop window. I hope to find time to explore more of the interesting shops tomorrow

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