A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Tree of Optimism

This is by way of a social experiment...Carl thinks a tree outside is asking for it to be taken; I have more faith in humankind and think any Christmas joy it may bring is worth the risk.

Today has been a good day. A perfectly average work meeting. Well actually mildly annoying but it is so close to a two week break I don't really care. More importantly, a good journey to the tank, a good session and a good journey home.

Mad dash to collect Anna from school and then to get passport photos as fortunately Carl has realised that Anna's passport will expire before our next planned trip in enough time for us to do something about it. I'd completely forgotten about that whole 10 year old thing. Then off for acro dance for her and Barrecore for me. Still only one of us that can do the splits though.

And home for some small but exciting things...a Star Wars quiz for three of us with Anna as quiz master and then the two kidlings taking over the lounge with a joint Minecraft session. Not something you might expect to celebrate but it has been a while for them and it was a happy moment for us to hear them laughing and playing together.

Lesley x

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