At Last

By 8

Underground over the Border

My host's partner is Hungarian - so we were lucky to be invited over the Viennese border into Budapest for the day.
Very different atmosphere.
We coffeed in the Western Railway station's cafe - deep and dark and redolent - the coffee and the space :-)
Only last week there were thousands of refugees massing the place but when we were there it was stangely quiet - armed police - and more than a little tension.
For the loo - you give the 150 year old lady at the door 1000s of Fiorents (sp?) ( no euros here) and she hands you 2 bits of loo roll and one paper towel - use them wisely!
I loved their Russian underground stations and what seemed like tin trains - gorgeous once turquoise carriages... and lovely curvy touch me numbers (extra). These iconic Russian trains are being phased out. Sad - they are beautiful.
You think the Tube is confusing? Try Vienna - there are three layers of underground systems.
We saw their houses of parliament over the fog of the Danube, and were taken to a surreal 'ruined pub' which seems to be the rage there... hares danced over our heads and Duchamp style photos gazed down on us and 'music' (I use the term guardedly) and dimness and interested gazes from the locals all served to add to the strangeness. (See extra)
I think you can tell from E's face that he was a tad nervous. A most memorable day.

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