Five things

By fivethings

Charles, on his birthday

1. I made the wise decision on Friday to work from home today. Stress had begun to creep up and I needed a day to batter in and fix things. I promised myself I would feel better about everything by the end of the day.

2. Later, I head over to see Douglas and Caroline. It's Douglas' birthday today and he's tucking in to his birthday vodka and rocky road when I arrive.

3. He is actually on the phone, not passed out as it might appear. This is the top I bought for him, which he seems to like.

4. I don't leave empty handed; a lampshade, pair of boots, the Killing boxset, a rather gorgeous collection of Douglas' plays for young people which has just been published and a bag of rocky road. Result.

5. Early night, feeling better about everything. As promised.

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