
Back to Midland life today!  Started with a lovely sky behind me driving up the motorway then a morning talking to the sixth form about Wuthering Heights and the relative merits of different film versions as compared with our interpretation of the text...  My last day at school until 7 January!

Then I trundles off around the M54 to Shifnal to meet up with Sarah who I have been learning from with regard to different ways of helping church communities become Dementia Friendly.  Today was her Forget-me-not club afternoon tea party.  We had a lovely time!  Last time the group make forget-me-not felt flowers for tree decorations for their tree in the Festival of Christmas Trees.  We had a few of them on the table decoration today.  They were selling off their non-shedding trees for £10 each.  I hadn't got room in the car for one unfortunately.  We had an interesting time talking about candles and the significance of various candle holders those attending the group had brought with them.  We ate sandwiches and cake and drank tea or coffee out of china cups. We sang, prayed and talked.  A good afternoon.  I hope I might be able to do something like that next year.

Then it was off to the Slimming World Party complete with Secret Santa, big raffle and party food.  Too much food this week...

Having a rest now before Waddesdon Blipmeet tomorrow!

Busy times.

Thank you all for keeping our Cockermouth exploits up at various points on the popular pages.

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