
Lucy had an induction morning at one of her 6th form options this morning so I dropped her off in Sutton Coldfield and then popped into the town to do a bit of shopping. After a quick Asda trip it was back home to tidy up.

Lucy got the bus home - don't think she's ever been on a bus before so to get on and off at the correct stop was something on an achievement. She bought a friend home and they are currently plotting their route for the next Duke of Edinburgh expedition. She has a party tonight as well so a very busy day!!

I've been for a walk to find a blip. I know this isn't the prettiest butterfly you've ever seen but in a world being taken over by snails it was all I saw. I think it's called a ringlet....can any blippers confirm/refute that?

Kettles on, and just going to check the school website for any news of Rob...he had archery this morning and canoeing this afternoon. I bet he has consumed about a million calories from the tuck shop already!!

Have a great day blip folk x

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