This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

two walls in the gallery (the piano will be moved)

Today we hung our exhibition, a place called home at the Arts Center of the Ozarks in Springdale. We are both pleased with how our work looks in the space. We still need to put up our labels and statement and have a few light bulbs replaced.

Later we ate at the strange religious vegan restaurant and then later it was almond icecream and a couple of episodes of Dr. Who.

I am itching to do something, go somewhere, see something amazing, just get out of the usual working on art, thinking about art, worrying about money, preparing for a show rut. I am not complaining but there is more to life than this. I want to get my house super organized, I want all of my accounts in order, I want my studio to be clean and all my junk drawers sorted for ever, I want to give away all the old things that do not suit me anymore and then magically because of all this I will then feel reborn and content and opportunities will come and the money will come and what I need to do in the future will be clear.... hyper thoughts from a hot and slow mind.

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