People on a Bridge

By zerohour

SP-4 Footie Pajamas

Enough of this in-your-face staring SP pics; this one is about the walls.

We  (mostly HD to be honest; I was busy working on something else) made a mad dash in the past 3 days to finish our bedroom face-lift: bright green walls (closes to the color in the top corner, but brighter in hue), built-in closet. It was exhausting, but totally worth it. After we get back from our travels, we will redo LM's room.

I am particularly proud of our paint selection process. With exception of his office (where HD got to pick whatever color he wanted), I am the main family color picker. Surprisingly, that's the one design decision that I can make confidently and successfully at the first try. I GET color. Not so much what is a "good" color or "bad", but how will it make me (and, hopefully, HD and LM) feel.  The green I picked makes me feel joyful, like running in a meadow on a sunny day.  Good shade for the bedroom. :-)

Incidentally, the color is called "Footie Pajamas."  Whatevs...

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