Second Choice

Another card shot today because I had neither the time nor the weather for anything else.

Not all that hard at work, but worked, just the same.  Finishing odds and ends, bits and pieces off the checklist, such as --
-- Input presentation marks for the third class
-- Check system registration and mail those I didn't find on the list
-- Reply to mail regarding (blah blah)
-- Adjust after-holiday planning to accommodate extra grammar sessions for re-sitters
-- Correct third-year academic essays
-- Read mail from management re employee survey
-- Study proposal for first-year curriculum adjustment next year; suggestions to team chairman
-- (and more of that stuff)

Even without the seasonal decor at home, even with no booking for a holiday abroad, hubby and I are properly getting into holiday mood.  I find myself waxing nostalgic about this break, especially as our staying in The Neth this year reminds me strongly about the early period of our marriage when we had absolutely nothing to our name, either in the bank or anywhere else and yet were so blissful and contented together that, really, nothing else mattered.

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