Winter Sunrise

How lucky I feel to have caught this on my way to work!  I was pressed for time but felt compelled to stop at the most convenient filling station along the A29 with the best view.  This isn't disappointing, would you agree?  A more auspiciously gorgeous beginning to the very last school Friday of 2015 couldn't be imagined.

While waiting for the traffic lights on the way to the parking area, I found myself behind a utility van that obviously needed scrubbing.  If you look at the extra shot, you'll see why I just had to grab the camera.  In fact, I almost made it first choice.

Lovely end today, anyway.  I'll be able to take the break without waking up at night thinking I'd forgotten to finish something.  And anyway, should anything occur to me that I had better do ... I'll still have between the solstice and the New Year to do it.  I rather doubt, though, that that is going to happen.

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