
By Fisherking longer a teacher..........

An emotional rollercoaster of a last as a teacher.

Began with an early morning text from Andrea......."Getting breakfast for the Faculty, what do you want?"

In to work............hijacked by Jo, Nats and Lisa........with presents.

A bacon butty in the Prep room.........and a gift of an amazing picture from the'll have to wait to see that.

A steady trickle of pupils bringing cards and small gifts.

12 noon........end of year assembly.........lauded by the Head and applauded loudly by the pupils........and a brilliant rendition of "Merry Christmas Everybody"

Pupils gone..........Secret Santa............know who would know of my liking for Jack Daniel's?...........only about 40 suspects.

Then my leaving.............a short speech by the Head.............a long service gift from the Authority (which I haven't opened yet).......a new camera, telephoto lens and of Lisa's amazing poems, must get a copy from her......3 gift bags full of presents from work colleagues.......a wide angle lens.....alcohol.............a United shirt with BEST 7 emblazoned.....hip flask in the shape of a fish.............memory cards..........a for the Boss...............

Then it was my turn to speak.......I think I did ok..........a few laughs.........especially the mention of the pupil who became a successful "stripper"............don't think I bored anyone.......and I didn't was a close thing though.

A quick beer............home to an empty house..........the Daughter arrived........the S & H with Charlie and Hannah.............they left............out to the Hospice to see the it's a;most time to sleep.

The blip is of some of my gifts...........there's plenty more for the next few days..............hebs (a plumber's wife) has a much better image from the day.

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