
By AliV


Tonight we had our annual Community Choir Christmas concert. This is a picture of Liam from our choir, who did an excellent support set for us. We moved venue this year to Langside Church which gave us must more space than we usually have! It had a lovely balcony where I took this picture, and all the audience were hiding underneath.

We sang music from Tin Pan Alley, inspired by an ex choir member donating a large volume of the sheet music to the choir leader last year. It was such good fun to sing....Mr Sandman, Sing Sing Sing and my personal favourite Just in Love. 

There's an article in the Guardian today about how good it is to sing in a choir and I totally agree. I've sung in a bunch of choirs, and will sing in many more I'm sure. Each one is wonderful and unique and teaches me so much about music, singing and people....bloody love it.

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