Proud Weegie

By Shiv


You may have been excused for thinking that my little brother has been buried under the patio (in true Brookside style!!) - since we rarely see him these days.

Today he stopped by to distribute Christmas Presents (and belated birthday presents) to all.

Notoriously he crashed his car a few years ago, broke his back and leg and spent a year recovering.  He's back on his snowboard and mountain bike and fitter than ever.

In the old days he had a white van with a mattress in the back. This was used for comping in when he followed the snow or the mountain bike trails.  Now he has this beauty - and it's surprisingly spacious....a full double bed, kitchen, a proper loo and a shower !! All very compact.

I was quite jealous - and the wee weegies are all desperate for a sleepover!

He has an impressive array of tattoos (and scars) to show for his adventures - including 'gottaride' on his stomach! 

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