And we certainly could today.  We took Phoebe down to the beach this afternoon after enjoying a very relaxed morning.  We could see a large black cloud appearing and just after I took this photo you could see the rain falling out to sea.

The smaller capture was blowing about, chased by Phoebe and is what remains of a fish egg purse.

We took shelter half way along the beach in a sand cove and waited for the cloud to pass over.  After scrambling up the sand dunes, getting half way across Rushey Green, the heavens opened and we were bombarded by hail.  Poor Phoebe just stood still so I sheltered her in my arms, protecting her from the onslaught.  After it had passed over we trudged back home like drowned rats.  I could change into dry clothes but it took hours for Phoebe to dry out.

Tonight we have enjoyed Christmas carols and songs in the centre of Crantock supported by a brass band.  There was a wonderful turn out of young families and mulled wine and mince pies in the Memorial Hall.

A fitting end to a unique day.

Thank you for the kind comments on Adrian's butterfly and wishing you all a wonderful, safe build up to the magic Christmas Day. xxxx

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