All that is beautiful

By sharob


The Olympic flame is now in Peterborough.

I uhmed and ahhed whether or not to go, I spoke to Clara and she decided that she definitely wanted to go, so after lots of explaining that it'd be busy and we'd be waiting around, she still agreed. Quickly made a packed lunch up and went to go get the bus, we got into town and there were some dancers on stilts making their way down Broadway. We walked through town and went through to the Cathedral grounds, it was the clearest place to sit down and have our dinner but we found out later that we'd sat in the perfect spot as the flame was going to be swapped right in front of us .. Perfect photo opportunity! I wasn't too interested in going but boy, am I glad that I did! A piece of history! Made the sitting around for almost 2 hours in the rain worth it! Clara was so excited, when she got home she drew a picture of a man carrying the torch!

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