
By samsticks

Filling In

Tonight's task after work was to try and fill in some of the screw holes and gaps in our new architraves and skirting boards.

We're all feeling a bit squished in, living in the three bedrooms with most of our stuff piled up in boxes around us, and Miles is still being very temperamental.

The icing on the cake tonight was that the older wiring in the three rooms that we're living in finally decided to give up the ghost, so we're living on huge extension leads running down the corridor from the (new) kitchen to keep us lit up. The sparky will replace all of the new wiring, but not until Monday.


I can't say that we hadn't been warned that renovating is rubbish, but pregnancy complications, coupled with Miles' bad behaviour and my tiredness from trying to get everything done has really compiled the issues this time! I'll be happy when it's all over and we can just be in there and enjoy it

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