
By wingpig


I hate these things. Uncomfortable, enclosing, sweaty, becollarèd, fiddly and crap. It tells you everything you need to know about a management team if they demand that their staff wear them. I'm immediately suspicious of people who wear them when they're not being forced to, especially if they tuck them in or fasten the collar. If they have one with a collar which has extra buttons it's even worse. Likewise buttoning up the sleeves. Maybe it's different for people who can either be arsed to spend enough money to get them comfortable or who are perhaps sufficiently oddly-shaped to be able to fit comfortably into cheap off-the-shelf shirt varieties but I still hope I shall never grow to feel comfortable when wearing one. I don't remember school being that bad (probably because there was the even more unfortable blazer to be loathed) but the comfortably-attired years of student between school and job put me off them forever.

Only had to iron three of them for this week though so it's not too bad. Although Friday is still a workday it's much easier to get through just through the simple application of comfortable clothes, even if there are stupid restrictions against the wearing of shorts by gentleman employees when women are permitted to let their legs free.

Today passed without much incident and tomorrow has a nice dentist-sized chunk removed from the middle although I am disappointed that I didn't get any decent shots of the earthlit moon on the way home. Still, it's been ages since I used the first picture of the day as the blip.

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