Mini Me

I love this figurine of a mini me given to me by daughter #1 for my Christmas.The likeness is remarkable although she has thicker hair!

I have often thought this is the role to which I was born and to which I identify in my imagination: sitting in a corner of a croft with my cat at my feet, my knitting and my shawl.
The husband is outside splitting logs for the fire and the noisy grandchildren are elsewhere. There is just the ticking of the wag- at- the -wall clock and crackle of burning wood in the range heating the old iron kettle of water on the hob, breaking the silence.

Ah well, dreaming time is over; there is no corner in which to hide with my knitting, no cat or open fire in this city centre Dower House. The husband is not outside splitting logs but behind the door engrossed in a crossword. However, the noisy grandchildren are indeed elsewhere, scattered throughout the length of Britain and beyond.

Christmas Day 2015 draws inexorably closer. The last satsuma has been bought along with the last mince pie. It just remains to pick up Terence the turkey tomorrow morning and get the preparations started for the festivities.

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