Today our theatre group went checking out a fellow theatre group's production for this summer. Some tidying was done at the Mill (which is our theatre stage every summer), and then we were ready to go.

I'm currently feeling a bit wistful now that our group's season is quite ready; I mean, though we still have more events to come this autumn, our actual performances are all done now. You know, a theatre play is like another world; you just get stuck into it. Perhaps it's a result of a bloody amount of practice, but that's what it requires - and that's why you'll feel a bit empty for some time after the last performance.

However, I'm still happy I finally did my comeback this year. It wasn't always easy, I was sometimes rather unsure about myself, but then at last I remembered why I loved - and still love - theatre so much; it's like a way of representing life, emotions and this world we live in.

And when it comes to me, I hope the years spent in silence will totally be left in history one day.

Teatterilaiva 2012 - here we come!

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