The study is done! Image No 1

About half an hour ago I sat down and thought this is it the study is now fully functional. Today I went with my son to Sheffield and we brought books home from my office and they have been put up this afternoon. It is difficult to give you a full picture of the study although I tried a panoramic which is in extra.

Today's picture focuses on the area around the far side where I have now put up nine photos which are former blips! You can see one bookshelf with space left, new year some more books to come. Tomorrow I shall give you another angle.

On a less optimistic note had my check up today and the PSA has risen quickly meaning that after Christmas I am moving onto one of the newer drugs. So the journey continues and hoping I can get some time with this drug, if/when it fails it would be chemotherapy next and then not much else. So the journey reaches another crossroads but not unexpected. Have got some better pain relief which will help and it will certainly not stop me enjoying Christmas and new year. I have a new study so must get re started on the novel after the festivities!

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